Developer Support Handbook


Welcome to the handbook! Before diving into the particulars of developer support, it’s important to realize what developer support is, why it’s important, and where I’m coming from in writing this.


A few years ago, there were only a handful of APIs on the web. Now, there are thousands, and there is almost an expectation that a web application or data provider will provide an API.

By providing an API, you can enable developers to use their creativity and skill to extend your products to new environments, to handle new use cases, or to appeal to new users. In the best of worlds, you can make your product more compelling while also giving developers an opportunity to make a living off your product API. For example: Twitter started with a simple web interface but also a simple API, and because of that API, developers were able to create the clients that users wanted, so Twitter got more users and developers got more money.

Most of the time, it is not enough to simply provide an API. You also need to support the developers that are currently using the API, improve the API to better meet the balanced needs of the product direction and developers, and encourage more developers to start using the API. All of this is a cycle: when you have a good API, more developers will want to use it, which means you will have more developers to support, and you will need to keep improving the API to meet their needs. To do it right, you need to understand the commitment that you are making when you decide to provide an API. You need to realize that you will need someone support the API, someone to maintain that API (if not improve it), and often you will want someone to “evangelize” that API - and you will need these somebodies (whether it’s one person or many) for the foreseeable lifetime of the API. If you are not willing to invest that much time and resources into the API, you should reconsider your decision to provide one.

In this handbook, I mostly cover the first aspect of providing an API: support. It is probably the least glamorous aspect, but on the other hand, it is vital. You can have the best API in the world, but if people post in your forums and the response is just crickets chirping, then the developers will not stick around for very long. On the other hand, if you treat your developers well, then they will (for free) provide you with valuable insights about ways to improve your API, and they will evangelize your API for you.

The area of developer support is quite new, and there isn’t much written about how to do it - what works, what doesn’t. Given the increasing number of APIs, and I hope, the increasing number of people attempting to support API developers, we need to start documenting our field. This handbook is a first attempt.

Guiding Principles

The chapters in this handbook deal with specifics, but are all based on these general principles:

  • Care about your developers: Call me a sap, but I think that you can’t really do a good job at supporting developers if you don’t actually care about their success with your API. If your heart doesn’t ache a little when you realize you’ve introduced an API bug that breaks a developer’s site, or if you don’t get a little shot of glee when you see a developer’s finished app, then this may not be the right role for you.
  • Empathize with your developers: Put yourself in your developer’s shoes. If you were a developer of your API, how would you want to be treated? I was a Maps API developer before I became the Maps API support engineer at Google, so I had the fortunate experience of knowing exactly what it felt like. If you don’t, you can simulate that experience to a certain extent by trying to accomplish some task with your API, and not letting yourself use any internal resources. Force yourself to read the public docs and search the public forum for answers, and remember what is good and bad about that experience.
  • Keep your developers informed: As the API provider, you are the holder of a massive amount of useful information: you know how the API works, you know when you’ve released a new version, you know your roadmap. The more information that you can convey to developers, the easier it is for them to use your API. For any piece of information you have about your API, your default should be to share that information, and if you decide not to, you should have a good, thought-out reason for that decision. (There are valid reasons - just make sure you’re not withholding without one).
  • Listen to your developers: As they use your API, your developers will have questions, they will have comments, and they will have suggestions. Your developers should have a place (or multiple places) to make their thoughts known, and you should make it known that you are listening to them. Some folks worry that listening to developers means that you must do what they tell you to, and that’s not the case. Most of the time, developers are just happy that they’ve been heard.
  • Appreciate your developers: Everyone likes to be appreciated for good work - even if they don’t need to be appreciated. If a developer is helping you do your job by making the API more successful (then by samples, articles, or forum posts), you should let them know you sincerely are thankful for their help.

If you read nothing else in this handbook, simply remember those principles, and they can guide you in making the right decisions.

About the Author

I’m Pamela Fox, and I’ve spent the last four years supporting the developer community for various Google APIs. I started on the Maps API, back when Google had only a handful of APIs and we were very new to this game, and then spent a year on the Wave APIs.

In my role as an API support engineer, I am basically the middleman (middle woman) between the API developers and the API engineering team, and I am tasked with making sure that API developers are successful. This means monitoring the forum for unaswered questions, reporting bugs to the team, collating the top feature requests, creating sample code, writing articles, authoring blog posts, presenting at conferences, training paying customers, and more. It’s a fun role because it involves a lot of different skills, and it brings a wide range of technical and sociological challenges.

In this role, I have learned a lot about what it means to succesfully support a developer community, and I want to share those learnings through this handbook.

Intended Audience

At Google, I come from a team called Developer Relations, and many of my peers in this team have the same role as me, but for our other APIs. This information is most directly targeted at them. However, there are many other people who interact with the API developer community at some point during their day, and this information is still highly relevant to them - the API tech lead, product manager, engineering team, marketing team, technical writer, support team, etc.