An elephant lifting a cloud with an elephant on it

Deploying PostgreSQL to Azure with Bicep

About me

Python Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

Formerly: UC Berkeley, Coursera, Khan Academy, Google

Find me online at:

Twitter @pamelafox

Managed services for PostgreSQL on Azure

Option Description
Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server Microsoft's original offering. No longer recommended for new apps.
Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server Microsoft's most recent PostgreSQL offering. Fully managed service with vertical scaling.
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Distributed database using PostgreSQL and the Citus extension. Can scale horizontally.

🔗 Comparison: Flexible vs. Single Server
🔗 Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL vs. Flex Server

Ways to deploy
a PostgreSQL Flexible Server

An elephant emerging from a cannon

Using the Azure Portal

Azure portal screenshot

😃 Easy to get started 😭 but difficult to replicate.

Using CLI commands

Method Example
Azure CLI

                        az postgres flexible-server create --resource-group pg-grp \
                            --name pg-srv --location westus \
                            --sku-name GP_Gen5_2 --version 14 \
                            --admin-user myadmin --admin-password NeverShowThis
Azure PowerShell

                        New-AzPostgreSqlFlexibleServer -ResourceGroupName pg-grp \
                            -ServerName pg-srv -Location westus \
                            -SkuName GP_Gen5_2 -Version 14 \
                            -AdministratorLogin myadmin -AdministratorLoginPassword NeverShowThis

😃 Replication is now possible!
😭 Updating resource parameters requires different commands than creation.

Using ARM templates

ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates are JSON files that describe the resources you want to create.

                    "type": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers",
                    "apiVersion": "2021-06-01",
                    "name": "pg-srv",
                    "location": "westus",
                    "sku": {
                      "name": "Standard_B1ms",
                      "tier": "Burstable"
                    "properties": {
                        "administratorLogin": "admin-user",
                        "administratorLoginPassword": "NeverShowThis",
                        "version": "14"

👁️ See full example in postgres_database.bicep

😃 Repeatable provisioning of all resource types
😭 JSON files can be unwieldy and hard to parameterize


An elephant standing upright, flexing their biceps

Using Bicep

Bicep is a DSL (domain-specific language) that compiles to ARM templates.

                    resource server 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2021-06-01' = {
                        name: 'pg-srv'
                        location: 'eastus'
                        sku: {
                          name: 'Standard_B1ms'
                          tier: 'Burstable'
                        properties: {
                          administratorLogin: 'myadmin'
                          administratorLoginPassword: 'NeverShowThis'
                          version: '14'
                          storage: {
                            storageSizeGB: 128

The Bicep language

Feature Example
param location string = 'eastus'
param storageSizeGB int = 128
skuTier == 'Burstable' ? 32 : 128
for i in range(0, serverCount):
param adminUsername string = newGuid()    
module myServer 'flexserver.bicep' { }   

🔗 Bicep file structure & syntax

A parameterized Bicep file

Use parameters for values that vary across deployments.

                    param serverName string = 'pg-srv'
                    param location string = 'eastus'
                    param adminPassword string

                    resource srv 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2021-06-01' = {
                        name: serverName
                        location: location
                        sku: {
                          name: 'Standard_B1ms'
                          tier: 'Burstable'
                        properties: {
                          administratorLogin: 'myadmin'
                          administratorLoginPassword: adminPassword
                          version: '14'
                          storage: { storageSizeGB: 128 }

Deploying from Bicep

Use az deployment group create to create or update resources in an existing resource group:

                $ az deployment group create --resource-group pg-grp --template-file pg.bicep

                Please provide securestring value for 'adminPassword' (? for help):

                {   "name": "postgres_example1",
                    "properties": {
                        "outputResources": [{
                            "id": "/subscriptions/32ea8a26-5b40-4838-b6cb-be5c89a57c16/resourceGroups/cituscon-examples-eastus/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/pg-srv",
                            "resourceGroup": "pg-grp"
                          }], ...

Optionally, specify parameters on the command line:

                $ az deployment group create --resource-group pg-grp --template-file pg.bicep \
                   --parameters adminPassword=ADMIN_PASSWORD

Deploying from Bicep (Result)

Screenshot of Portal overview page for server

Child resources

A child resource exists solely within the scope of its parent resource.

Child resources that can be created for PostgreSQL:

  • administrators
  • configurations
  • databases
  • firewallRules
  • migrations

+ Read-only child resources: advisors, backups, queryTexts.

Child resources: database

The server will always include a database called postgres plus system databases azure_maintenance, azure_sys.

Create an additional database:

                resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-12-01' = {
                    name: serverName
                    location: location

                    resource database 'databases' = {
                        name: 'webapp'

👁️ See full example in postgres_database.bicep

Child resources: databases

Create multiple databases with an array and for loop:

                param databaseNames array = ['webapp', 'analytics']

                resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-12-01' = {
                    name: serverName
                    location: location

                    resource database 'databases' = [for name in databaseNames: {
                        name: name

👁️ See full example in postgres_databases.bicep

Child resources: databases (Result)

Screenshot of Databases page of PostgreSQL server

Child resources: firewall rule

By default, the server is not accessible from any IP ranges. You can use firewallRules to allow access from IPs.

Allow access from any Azure service within Azure:

                resource firewallAzure 'firewallRules' = {
                    name: 'allow-all-azure-internal-IPs'
                    properties: {
                        startIpAddress: ''
                        endIpAddress: ''

⚠️ Any Azure dev can now access, if they know user/pass.

👁️ See full example in postgres_azurefirewall.bicep

Conditional child resources: firewall rule

Conditionally create a rule using if with a bool param:

                param allowAllIPsFirewall bool

                resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-12-01' = {
                    resource firewallAll 'firewallRules' = if (allowAllIPsFirewall) {
                        name: 'allow-all-IPs'
                        properties: {
                            startIpAddress: ''
                            endIpAddress: ''

⚠️⚠️ Anyone at all can access, if they know user/pass.

👁️ See full example in postgres_condfirewall.bicep

Child resources: firewall rules

Create rules for each IP in list using array with for:

                param allowedSingleIPs array = ['', '']
                resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-12-01' = {
                    resource firewallSingle 'firewallRules' = [for ip in allowedSingleIPs: {
                        name: 'allow-single-${replace(ip, '.', '')}'
                        properties: {
                            startIpAddress: ip
                            endIpAddress: ip

👁️ See full example in postgres_loopfirewall.bicep

Child resources: firewall rules (Result)

Screenshot of Networking page of PostgreSQL server

Adding a Virtual Network

An elephant and a Python inside a net

Securing in a VNet

As a security best practice, Azure recommends that deploying PostgreSQL servers in a Virtual Network (VNet), along with other Azure resources that need access to it.

That requires multiple resources:

  • Virtual Network
  • Private DNS Zone
  • Whatever resource needs access to the server

Virtual Network

Create a VNet with a private address space of -

                resource virtualNetwork 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2019-11-01' = {
                    name: '${name}-vnet'
                    location: location
                    properties: {
                      addressSpace: {
                        addressPrefixes: [

Virtual Network: subnets

Create subnet with address space of - and delegate to PostgreSQL servers:

                    resource databaseSubnet 'subnets' = {
                        name: 'database-subnet'
                        properties: {
                          addressPrefix: ''
                          delegations: [
                              name: '${name}-subnet-delegation'
                              properties: {
                                serviceName: 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers'

🔗 Configuring Azure VNet subnets with CIDR notation

Virtual Network: subnets

Create subnet with address space of - and delegate to other resource (App Service):

                resource webappSubnet 'subnets' = {
                    name: 'webapp-subnet'
                    properties: {
                        addressPrefix: ''
                        delegations: [
                            name: '${name}-subnet-delegation-web'
                            properties: {
                            serviceName: 'Microsoft.Web/serverFarms'

🔗 Configuring Azure VNet subnets with CIDR notation

Private DNS Zone

To let other service access the PostgreSQL server, create a private DNS Zone:

                resource privateDnsZone 'Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones@2020-06-01' = {
                    name: '${pgServerPrefix}'
                    location: 'global'
                    resource vNetLink 'virtualNetworkLinks' = {
                        name: '${pgServerPrefix}-link'
                        location: 'global'
                        properties: {
                          registrationEnabled: false
                          virtualNetwork: { id: }

🔗 What is Azure Private DNS?
🔗 PostgreSQL networking: Private DNS Zone and VNets

Configure the PostgreSQL server

Add the network property on the PostgreSQL server to inject it into the VNet and connect it to the DNS Zone:

                resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-01-20-preview' = {
                    name: pgServerPrefix

                    properties: {
                        network: {

Configure the Web App

Add a networkConfig child resource on the Web App Service to inject it into the VNet:

                resource web 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = {
                    name: '${name}-app-service'

                    resource webappVnetConfig 'networkConfig' = {
                        name: 'virtualNetwork'
                        properties: {

All together: PostgreSQL in VNet

                    param name string = 'pgvnet4'
                    param location string = 'eastus'
                    param adminPassword string
                    var pgServerPrefix = '${name}-postgres-server'
                    resource virtualNetwork 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2019-11-01' = {
                      name: '${name}-vnet'
                      location: location
                      properties: {
                        addressSpace: {
                          addressPrefixes: [
                      resource databaseSubnet 'subnets' = {
                        name: 'database-subnet'
                        properties: {
                          addressPrefix: ''
                          delegations: [
                              name: '${name}-subnet-delegation'
                              properties: {
                                serviceName: 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers'
                      resource webappSubnet 'subnets' = {
                        name: 'webapp-subnet'
                        properties: {
                          addressPrefix: ''
                          delegations: [
                              name: '${name}-subnet-delegation-web'
                              properties: {
                                serviceName: 'Microsoft.Web/serverFarms'
                    resource privateDnsZone 'Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones@2020-06-01' = {
                      name: '${pgServerPrefix}'
                      location: 'global'
                      resource vnetLink 'virtualNetworkLinks' = {
                        name: '${pgServerPrefix}-link'
                        location: 'global'
                        properties: {
                          registrationEnabled: false
                          virtualNetwork: {
                    resource web 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = {
                      name: '${name}-app-service'
                      location: location
                      kind: 'app,linux'
                      properties: {
                        siteConfig: {
                          alwaysOn: true
                          linuxFxVersion: 'PYTHON|3.11'
                          ftpsState: 'Disabled'
                          appCommandLine: ''
                        httpsOnly: true
                      identity: {
                        type: 'SystemAssigned'
                      resource appSettings 'config' = {
                        name: 'appsettings'
                        properties: {
                          AZURE_POSTGRESQL_HOST: '${}'
                          AZURE_POSTGRESQL_PASS: adminPassword
                          AZURE_POSTGRESQL_DBNAME: 'postgres'
                      resource webappVnetConfig 'networkConfig' = {
                        name: 'virtualNetwork'
                        properties: {
                    resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2021-03-01' = {
                      name: '${name}-service-plan'
                      location: location
                      sku: {
                        name: 'B1'
                      properties: {
                        reserved: true
                    resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-01-20-preview' = {
                      name: pgServerPrefix
                      location: location
                      sku: {
                        name: 'Standard_B1ms'
                        tier: 'Burstable'
                      properties: {
                        administratorLogin: 'postgresadmin'
                        administratorLoginPassword: adminPassword
                        storage: {
                          storageSizeGB: 128
                        version: '14'
                        network: {

👁️ See full example in postgres_vnet.bicep

All together: PostgreSQL in VNet (Result)

Tips & Tricks

An elephant with a clipboard

PostgreSQL tips

  • Managed identity is a more secure approach than username/password. See sample at:
  • Location, location, location:
    There are some location constraints for PostgreSQL servers, especially for Microsoft employees. If you get a funky error, try again with a new location (like "centralus").
  • Many things can't be changed after creation: admin username, PostgreSQL version, location, networking option, etc. Give everything a good look before you start adding production data.

Bicep extension for VS Code

Install the Bicep extension for syntax highlighting, auto-complete, and more.

Screenshot of Bicep extension erroring on dead code

🔗 Bicep extension for VS Code

Bicep linting

Use az bicep build command to check file for errors:

                $ az bicep build -f pg.bicep

Use a CI/CD workflow to always check for errors:

                        - name: Checkout
                        uses: actions/checkout@v2
                        - name: Azure CLI script
                        uses: azure/CLI@v1
                            inlineScript: az bicep build -f infra/main.bicep

👁️ See whole file: azure-bicep.yaml

Bicep security validation

Use Microsoft Security DevOps action to find security issues in Bicep files:

                - name: Run Microsoft Security DevOps Analysis
                    uses: microsoft/security-devops-action@preview
                    id: msdo
                    tools: templateanalyzer

Example output:

                Error:      1. TemplateAnalyzer Error AZR-000284 - File: infra/main.bicep. Line: 54. Column 0. 
                Tool: TemplateAnalyzer: Rule: AZR-000284 (Azure.Deployment.AdminUsername).
                Resource properties can be configured using a hardcoded value or Azure Bicep/ template
                expressions. When specifing sensitive values, use secure parameters such as secureString
                or secureObject.

👁️ See whole file: azure-dev-validate.yaml

AZD templates

You can use Bicep to create all of your Azure resources, and use the Azure Developer CLI to take care of the whole deployment workflow.

Find app templates that use PostgreSQL in the AZD templates gallery: AZD templates: PostgreSQL

More Bicep tips

  • Open the Bicep reference (and keep it open)
  • Search Github for examples using "lang:bicep"
  • Create the resource in Portal and export the template

🔗 Tips for writing Bicep files

Thank you!

Photo of Pamela smiling with a stuffed elephant

Grab the slides @

Find me online at:

Twitter @pamelafox

Let me know about your experiences with PostgreSQL and Bicep!