Cloud Databases for Web Apps with Django

Tips for navigating the slides:
  • Use the left-side menu for a table of contents.
  • Press the copy icon on the upper right of code blocks to copy the code
  • Visit this link for a nice printable version

What we'll cover:

Bit (the raccoon) lecturing
  • Databases
  • Databases in Python
  • Databases on Azure
  • Django
  • Django apps on Azure

Intro to Databases

When do we need databases?

Use a database to store any data that needs to be shared across multiple users/computers.

Diagram using SQL to update and query a database storing data for a web application

Types of databases

Non-relational / document databases:
MongoDB, Firebase, CouchDB, etc.

Relational databases:
MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.

🙋🏽‍♀️ What have you used? Tell us in the chat!

Relational database structure

A database contains tables.
Each table has columns and rows.

Example table called restaurants:

id name address
1 Zomsa 10558 San Pablo Ave
2 Udupi Palace 1903 University Ave
3 Easy Creole 1761 Alcatraz Ave

Related tables

id name address
1 Zomsa 10558 San Pablo Ave
2 Udupi Palace 1903 University Ave
3 Easy Creole 1761 Alcatraz Ave

id restaurant_id text
1 3 so yummy!
2 3 scrumdiddlyumptious!

Tables can be related to each other using foreign keys.


PostgreSQL logo

PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database that has a strong community and extension ecosystem.

It's free and can be installed on your computer.

It's also available as a service on Azure.

📺 Check out the CitusCon talks about PostgreSQL!

PostgreSQL in VS Code

Follow along with me!

Open this project:

Using either: Screenshot of GitHub Codespaces tab

  • GitHub Codespaces ➡️ ➡️ ➡️
  • VS Code with Dev Containers extension


                ARG IMAGE=python:3
                FROM --platform=amd64${IMAGE}

                RUN apt-get update && export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
                    && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends postgresql-client \
                        && apt-get clean -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

🔗 Using container image from MCR devcontainer Python images

👁️ See full file: Dockerfile


                          context: ..
                          dockerfile: .devcontainer/Dockerfile
                            IMAGE: python:3.11
                          - ..:/workspace:cached
                        command: sleep infinity
                        network_mode: service:db
                        image: postgres:latest
                        restart: unless-stopped
                          - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
                          POSTGRES_DB: app
                          POSTGRES_USER: app_user
                          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: app_password

👁️ See full file: docker-compose.yaml

devcontainer.json: Top level config

Configuration needed to work with the Docker files:

                    "dockerComposeFile": "docker-compose.yml",
                    "service": "app",
                    "workspaceFolder": "/workspace",
                    "forwardPorts": [8000, 5432],
                    "portsAttributes": {
                        "8000": {"label": "Django port", "onAutoForward": "notify"},
                        "5432": {"label": "PostgreSQL port", "onAutoForward": "silent"}

👁️ See full file: devcontainer.json

devcontainer.json: VS Code extensions

Installing extensions:

                    "extensions": [

👁️ See full file: devcontainer.json

devcontainer.json: VS Code settings

Configuring SQLTools extension:

                    "sqltools.connections": [
                            "name": "Local database",
                            "driver": "PostgreSQL",
                            "server": "localhost",
                            "port": 5432,
                            "database": "postgres",
                            "username": "admin",
                            "password": "LocalPasswordOnly"

👁️ See full file: devcontainer.json

SQLTools extension

Explore SQL tables and run SQL statements:

Connect to local or cloud databases.

PostgreSQL in Python

Accessing PostgreSQL from Python: SQL

Web apps need to be able to access and modify data in databases.

One option is to use SQL directly in the web app code.

                import psycopg2

                conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=example")
                cur = conn.cursor()
                cur.execute("INSERT INTO restaurants (id, name) VALUES ('1', 'test')")

⚠️ Executing raw SQL queries makes your app vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. See:

Accessing DBs from Web Apps: ORM

A better approach is to use an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) to interact with the database. An ORM represents table rows as Python objects, and provides methods for querying and modifying data.

A SQLAlchemy example:

                class Restaurant(Base):
                    __tablename__ = "restaurants"
                    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
                    name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column()
                query = select(Restaurant).where( == "Zomsa")
                results = session.execute(query)

Hosting PostgreSQL
on Azure!

Bit (the raccoon) in the clouds next to Azure logo

Managed services for PostgreSQL on Azure

Option Description
Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server Microsoft's original offering. No longer recommended for new apps.
Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server Microsoft's most recent PostgreSQL offering. Fully managed service with vertical scaling.
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Distributed database using PostgreSQL and the Citus extension. Can scale horizontally.

🔗 Comparison: Flexible vs. Single Server
🔗 Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL vs. Flex Server

Provisioning PostgreSQL in Portal

Use the Azure Portal to create a PostgreSQL server:

Suggested setting:
Development workload, Burstable (B1ms), defaults for other options. Screenshot of Burstable setting in Azure Portal

⚠️ Save the admin password to a password manager or Key Vault!

Allowing local access to server

Open PostgreSQL server in Portal, select "Networking", then select "Add current client IP address", and click "Save".

Screenshot of Networking/Firewalls section in Azure Portal

Update environment variables

Open PostgreSQL server in Portal and select "Connection strings".

Screenshot of Connection Strings from Azure Portal

Copy relevant configuration settings into .env file and SQLTools settings.

Screenshot of SQLTools settings

Writing Django Apps

Django framework

Django, an external library, is a fairly "opinionated" framework for server-side code. Includes an ORM for database interaction.

Apps written in Django:

  • Coursera (originally, now Scala+Play)
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest (originally, now Flask)
  • Eventbrite

Follow along with me!

Open this project:

Using either: Screenshot of GitHub Codespaces tab

  • GitHub Codespaces ➡️ ➡️ ➡️
  • VS Code with Dev Containers extension
  • Local environment with Python 3 and PostgreSQL installed

Django app structure

A Django web app is a collection of "apps" that each have their own models, views, and templates. Each app has its own folder.

In this app, we have a single app called "restaurant_review":

Django ORM

Define models:

                class Restaurant(models.Model):
                    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

👁️ See full file:

Query models:

                def details(request, id):
                    restaurant = get_object_or_404(Restaurant, pk=id)

Insert models:

                restaurant = Restaurant()
       = name

👁️ See full file:

Configuring Django ORM

                DATABASES = {
                    'default': {
                        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
                        'NAME': os.environ.get('DBNAME'),
                        'HOST': os.environ.get('DBHOST'),
                        'USER': os.environ.get('DBUSER'),
                        'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('DBPASS'),

👁️ See full file:

Running a Django app

Run DB migrations:

                python migrate

Run the local server:

                python runserver

⚠️ For production, a server like gunicorn should be used instead.

Using Django admin

Create a superuser:

                python createsuperuser

Login to /admin

Hosting Django
on Azure!

Bit (the raccoon) in the clouds next to Azure logo

Azure app hosting options

Cloud Azure
Environment Containers PaaS
Azure Kubernetes Service Container Management Azure App Service Serverless
Azure Container Apps Azure Functions

All are good options, depending on your needs.

Azure App Service has special code to handle Django apps. Let's use that!

Goal: App Service + PostgreSQL inside VNet

App inside VNet with Postgres

Ways to deploy multiple resources on Azure

  • Azure Portal (Web App + DB Template)
  • Azure CLI script
  • Azure Developer CLI 😍 😍 😍

Azure Developer CLI (azd)

Azure Developer CLI

This new CLI tool helps with all steps of the dev cycle:

Step Command
Provisioning azd provision
Deploying code azd deploy
⬆️ Both azd up
CI/CD azd pipeline config
Monitoring azd monitor

azd up

First provisions, then deploys. Only re-provisions when Bicep resource definitions have changed.

azd deploy

If you only changed code, not infra, you can just deploy.

azd pipeline config

Configures the secrets for azure-dev.yaml, a Github workflow that provisions and deploys.

🔗 Successful workflow run

azd down

When you no longer need the resources, delete them! 🗑️
Don't waste 💵 💵 on unused resources.

Use azd down to delete everything in the resource group.

You can also find the resource group in the Portal and delete it there.

Delete resource group

Components of an azd project

infra/ Contains all the infra in Bicep or Terraform files
azure.yaml Specifies what code to deploy to which resource
.github/ Contains CI/CD workflow for deploying

🔗 Make your project compatible with Azure Developer CLI

The Bicep language

Bicep is an infrastructure-as-code (IAC) language, similar to Terraform but designed for Azure. Bicep declaratively defines Azure cloud resources.

                resource web 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = {
                    name: 'pamelas-app-service'
                    location: 'eastus'
                    kind: 'app,linux'
                    properties: {
                      siteConfig: {
                        linuxFxVersion: 'PYTHON|3.10'
                    resource appSettings 'config' = {
                        name: 'appsettings'
                        properties: {
                          DBNAME: 'django'
                          PGHOST: '${}'
                          PGUSER: 'admin'
                          PGPASS: adminPassword

                    resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-01-20-preview' = {
                        name: 'pamelas-postgres-server'
                        location: 'eastus'
                        sku: {
                          name: 'Standard_B1ms'
                          tier: 'Burstable'
                        properties: {
                          version: '14'
                          administratorLogin: 'django'
                          administratorLoginPassword: adminPassword
                          storage: {
                            storageSizeGB: 128

Tips for writing Bicep files

📖 Read more in: Tips for writing Bicep files
📺 Watch my CitusCon talk: Deploying PostgreSQL with Bicep
📺 Watch my PyWebConf talk: Easy deploys of Python web apps to Azure

More Python + DB templates

Raccoons with laptops

Django + App Service (No VNet)

Uses firewall rules to limit access to the server to only Azure IPs, and stores password in key vault.

Architecture diagram: Azure Web App, PostgreSQL server, Key Vault

👀 Demo:

👩🏼‍💻 Code:

Django + App Service + Redis

Uses Redis as backend for cache and Celery, plus Azure storage for static assets and media uploads.

Architecture diagram: Azure Web App, PostgreSQL server, Redis, Storage

👀 Demo:

👩🏼‍💻 Code:
🍪 Cookie cutter:

Django + App Service + Storage

Uses Azure storage containers for static assets and media uploads, plus Azure Monitor and Azure Load Testing.

Architecture diagram: Azure Web App, PostgreSQL server, VNet, Storage, Load Testing

👀 Demo:

👩🏼‍💻 Code:

Django + Azure Container Apps

Deploys a containerized version of the previous app.

Architecture diagram: Azure Container Apps, Postgres

👀 Demo:

👩🏼‍💻 Code:

Any questions?

A bunch of raccoon students with computers