Python Web Apps:
Databases & ORMs

Meet Pamela

Photo of Pamela smiling with an Olaf statue

Python Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

Formerly: UC Berkeley, Coursera, Khan Academy, Google

Find Pamela online at:

Twitter @pamelafox

Today's topics

Bit (the raccoon) lecturing
  • Databases
    • 👩🏾‍💻 Exercise: PostgreSQL Playground
  • Using databases from Python
    • 👩🏼‍💻 Exercise: PostgreSQL Playground Part 2
  • Using Flask with databases
    • 👩🏻‍💻 Exercise: Example Flask + DB app
  • Deploying web apps and databases
    • 🧑🏿‍💻 Exercise: Deploying PostgreSQL
    • 👨🏻‍💻 Exercise: Deploying Flask+PG app

Exercise tools

To follow along with the exercises, you can do either:

  1. Online development with Codespaces:
  2. Local development with VS Code:
  3. Local development with any editor:

Databases & ORMs

Bit (the raccoon) with 0s and 1s behind

Why databases?

Web apps use databases to store data that needs to be shared across multiple users or computers.

Diagram using SQL to update and query a database storing data for a web application

Database types

Graph of  database popularity
Source: JetBrains Developers Survey 2023

Two main types of databases:

  • Non-relational databases, such as...
    • MongoDB
    • Redis
    • Cosmos DB for NoSQL
  • Relational databases, such as...
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • SQLite
    • MS SQL server

Non-relational databases

A non-relational database stores data in a very flexible way, often as JSON documents or as key-value stores.

Example document in a MongoDB collection:

                    "username": "Pamela Fox",
                    "email": ""

Example key-value pair in a Redis store:

                usersession1234: { "username": "Pamela Fox", "email": "" }

Relational databases

A relational database contains tables.
Each table has columns and rows.

Example table called speakers:

id name title
1 Pamela Fox Python Cloud Advocate
2 Renee Noble Python Cloud Advocate
3 Victor Vazquez Software Developer
4 Dawn Wages Python Community Advocate


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language for querying and modifying relational databases.

SQL commands:

  • SELECT - get data
  • INSERT - add data
  • UPDATE - modify data
  • DELETE - remove data

Learn SQL for free with my course on Khan Academy:


PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database that supports JSON, XML, and other data types.

                CREATE TABLE cities (
                    name            varchar(80),
                    location        point
                INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('San Francisco', '(-194.0, 53.0)');
                SELECT name FROM cities WHERE location <@ circle '((0,0), 300)';

There are many popular extensions for PostgreSQL like PostGIS for geospatial data and pgvector for vector similarity search.

Python libraries for PostgreSQL: psycopg (driver), SQLAlchemy (ORM)

Playgrounds: PostgreSQL playground, pgvector playground

Exercise: Play with PostgreSQL

Using this repo:

  1. Open in GitHub Codespaces or VS Code with Dev Containers extension
  2. Copy .env.devcontainer into a .env file
  3. Open the SQLTools extension from the sidebar and select 'Local database'
  4. Enter these SQL statements and select 'Run on active connection':
                            CREATE TABLE restaurants (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL);
                            INSERT INTO restaurants (name) VALUES ('Casa Latina');
                            SELECT * FROM restaurants;
  5. Explore the results in the extension

Accessing databases from Python

Bit (the raccoon) coding

Accessing databases from Python: SQL

One option is to call SQL directly from a database driver.

                import psycopg2

                conn = psycopg2.connect(
                cur = conn.cursor()
                cur.execute("CREATE TABLE restaurants (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL)")

Risks of using SQL directly

⚠️ Executing raw SQL makes your app vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

What you expect:

                user_input = "Bobby"
                query = "SELECT name, id FROM users where name = " + user_input

What a hacker could do:

                user_input = "Bobby); DROP TABLE students;"
                query = "SELECT name, title id users where name = " + user_input

Accessing databases from Python: ORM

A safer approach is to use an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) to interact with the database.

An ORM represents table rows as Python objects, and provides methods for querying and modifying data.

A SQLAlchemy example:

                class Restaurant(Base):
                    __tablename__ = "restaurants"
                    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
                    name: Mapped[str]
                    rating: Mapped[int]
                query = select(Restaurant).where(Restaurant.title == "Casa Latina")
                results = session.execute(query)

Querying with SQLAlchemy 2.0

Get by primary key:

                session.get(Restaurant, 42)

Get all rows in table:


Finding rows by column value:

           == "Casa Latina")).scalars().all()

Play with queries in PostgreSQL Playground

Flask + databases

Bit (the raccoon) with a laptop

Using Flask with SQLAlchemy

Flask is a lightweight web framework for Python, which does not come with any built-in database functionality.

A common way to use Flask with SQLAlchemy:

  • Install Flask-SQLAlchemy extension
  • Install Flask-Migrate extension
  • Define models using Python classes
  • Run database migrations
  • Use SQLAlchemy queries in routes

Example: Flask + PostgreSQL

Run app server:

                python3 -m flask --app src.flaskapp run --debug --reload --port=8000

Database migrations

Migrations are a way to keep track of changes to the database schema.

  1. When you make a change to the database schema, create a migration file.

    Using Flask-Migrate:

                    python3 -m flask --app src.flaskapp db migrate --directory src/flaskapp/migrations
  2. Run the migration file to update the database.

    Using Flask-Migrate:

                    python3 -m flask --app src.flaskapp db upgrade --directory src/flaskapp/migrations

Exercise: Flask app

Using this repo:

  1. Follow the readme steps to get the app running.
  2. Inspect the local DB tables using SQLTools extension.
  3. Submit an info request and find new row in SQLTools.
  4. Change the destinations route to return destinations ordered by name, using order_by.
  5. Reload and confirm the destinations appear sorted.

More Flask + DB examples

Also check out the Flask tutorial.

Generative AI + Databases

Bit (the raccoon) with a robot

Vector search

Vector search is a way to find similar items in a database, and is used in recommendation systems, search engines, and chatbots.


                SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY embedding <=> '[3,1,2]' LIMIT 5;


                  closest = session.scalars(
                  for item in closest:

Try it in:

RAG: Retrieval Augmented Generation

Diagram of RAG: Retrieval Augmented Generation

RAG with PostgreSQL

We can use LLMs to answer questions about PostgreSQL tables.

Example: Azure-Samples/rag-postgres-openai-python

Screenshot of a chatbot answering questions about a PostgreSQL database

That example uses FastAPI, but it could also use Flask/Quart.

More resources: GenAI + PostgreSQL

Recorded talks:

Upcoming Posette talks:

Posette conference banner

Hosting web apps + databases

Bit (the raccoon) on a cloud with the Azure logo

Database hosting options


  • How much database storage do you need?
  • How many database read/writes do you expect?
  • How much latency can you tolerate between app/DB?
  • What sort of backup policy do you need?
  • Data sovereignty: where can your data be stored?
  • Do you need multiple replicas for high availability?

Managed services for PostgreSQL on Azure

Option Description
Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server Microsoft's original offering. No longer recommended for new apps.
Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server Microsoft's most recent PostgreSQL offering. Fully managed service with vertical scaling.
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Distributed database using PostgreSQL and the Citus extension. Can scale horizontally.
Azure Container Apps PostgresQL service A sidecar service that runs alongside your containerized app.

Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL vs. Flex Server 🔗

Exercise: Deploy a PostgreSQL Flexible Server

Using this repo:

  1. Open in GitHub Codespaces or VS Code with Dev Containers extension
  2. Sign up for a free Azure account
  3. Follow the Deploying instructions in the README
  4. Run a script to confirm the database is working

Web app hosting options

The web app can be hosted on the same server as the database, or on a separate server.

Many possible hosts:

  • A rented computer in a data center
  • A virtual machine
  • A PaaS (platform as a service)


  • How much control do you want?
  • How much do you enjoy administering systems?
  • Do you need your app to scale up/out?

Azure web app hosting options

Azure Container Apps Azure Functions
Azure Kubernetes Service Container Management Azure App Service Serverless
Environment Containers PaaS
Cloud Azure

For Flask, App Service is an easy way to get started.

But wait, there's more!

Your app may need more than just a web server and a database.

Networking DNS Zone, Virtual Network, VPN Gateway, ...
Security Key Vault, Security Center, ...
Storage Blob Storage, Files, Archive Storage, ...
Caching CDN, Front Door, ...
Machine Learning Translator, Bot Service, Computer Vision, ...
...and more!

Hosting Python + PostgreSQL on Azure

Flask app architecture diagram: App Service, App Service Plan, PostGreSQL server, Log Analytics workspace

Using the Azure Dev CLI:

                azd up

Exercise: Deploy Flask + PG

Using this repo:

  1. Open in GitHub Codespaces or VS Code with Dev Containers extension
  2. Sign up for a free Azure account
  3. Follow the Deploying instructions in the README
  4. If it deploys successfully, visit the endpoint URL to confirm it's working.
  5. Run azd down to un-deploy the app (so that you don't waste cloud resources unnecessarily).

Security considerations

When connecting to a database from a web app, consider...

Restricting authentication:

Restricting network access:

  • ⭐️ Put the database and app in the same virtual network
  • If you can't use a VNet, use a firewall to restrict access to the database
    ⚠️ The firewall still allows access from other Azure-hosted apps.

More Azure resources

Raccoons with laptops

Any questions?

A bunch of raccoon students with computers