Python Web Apps:

Meet Pamela

Photo of Pamela smiling with an Olaf statue

Python Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

Formerly: UC Berkeley, Coursera, Khan Academy, Google

Find Pamela online at:

Twitter @pamelafox

Today's topics

Bit (the raccoon) lecturing
  • Django 101
    • 👩🏾‍💻 Exercise #1: Django app
  • Debugging Django
  • More Django
  • Productionizing Django
  • Hosting Django
    • 👩🏻‍💻 Exercise #2: Deploying Django

Exercise setup

To follow along with the exercises, your options are:

  1. Online development with Codespaces:
  2. Local development with VS Code:
  3. Local development with any editor:

Django framework

Screenshot of Coursera admin

Django, an external library, is an opinionated framework for server-side code. Includes an ORM for database interaction.

Apps written in Django:

  • Instagram
  • Eventbrite
  • Coursera (originally, now Scala+Play)
  • Pinterest (originally, now Flask)

Example: Django + PostgreSQL

Run DB migrations:

                python3 src/ migrate

Load seed data:

                python3 src/ loaddata src/seed_data.json

Run the server:

                python3 src/ runserver 8000

Django project structure

This app follows a typical Django project structure:


The relecloud folder represents a Django "app". We can add more "app"s to the project, each with its own models, views, urls, etc.

Django models

Models are Python classes that represent database tables.

                from django.db import models

                class Destination(models.Model):
                    name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=50, null=False, blank=False)
                    subtitle = models.CharField(unique=False, max_length=240, null=False, blank=True)
                    description = models.TextField(max_length=2000, null=False, blank=False)

🔗 From

To create a migration:

                python3 src/ makemigrations

To apply the migration:

                python3 src/ migrate

Django views

Views can be simple Python functions:

                def index(request):
                    return render(request, "index.html")

Or subclasses of Django's generic views:

                class CruiseDetailView(generic.DetailView):
                    template_name = "cruise_detail.html"
                    model = models.Cruise

🔗 From

Django templates

Templates are HTML files written in Django template language (Jinja2-like):

                <p>This cruise visits the following destinations:</p>
                {% for destination in cruise.destinations.all %}
                <a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action" href="{% url 'destination_detail' %}">{{ destination }}</a>
                {% endfor %}

🔗 From templates/destination_detail.html

Django URLs

URLs map paths to views:

                urlpatterns = [
                    path("", views.index, name="index"),
                    path("about", views.about, name="about"),
                    path("destinations/", views.destinations, name="destinations"),
                    path("cruise/<int:pk>", views.CruiseDetailView.as_view(), name="cruise_detail"),
                    path("info_request", views.InfoRequestCreate.as_view(), name="info_request"),

🔗 From

Django admin

Django includes a built-in admin interface for managing data.


🔗 From

To log in to the admin interface:

  • Create a superuser:
                        python3 src/ createsuperuser
  • Restart the server and navigate to "/admin"
  • Login with the superuser credentials.

Exercise: Django app

Using this repo:

  1. Follow the readme steps to get the app running.
  2. Inspect the local DB tables using SQLTools extension.
  3. Follow the readme steps to get into the Django admin.
  4. Add a new destination using the Django admin.
  5. Change the destinations route to sort destinations by name, using order_by.

Debugging in VS Code

Bit (the raccoon) with a computer and VS Code logo

Debugging Python code


                  "version": "0.2.0",
                  "configurations": [{
                        "name": "Python: Django",
                        "type": "debugpy",
                        "request": "launch",
                        "program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/",
                        "args": [
                        "django": true,
                        "justMyCode": true


                DEBUG_PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS = env("DEBUG") # True locally

Debugging templates

Add to .vscode/launch.json:

                    "version": "0.2.0",
                    "configurations": [{
                        "name": "Python: Django",
                        "type": "debugpy",
                        "request": "launch",
                        "program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/",
                        "args": [
                        "django": true,
                        "justMyCode": true,
                        "jinja": true // Add this line

More Django

Bit (the raccoon) with raccoon friends

Django extensions

Django is designed to be extensible. Some popular extensions:

🔗 Read more: 20 Django Packages I Use in Every Project

APIs with Django REST

The Django REST framework can be used to create CRUD APIs:

                from django.urls import path, include
                from django.contrib.auth.models import User
                from rest_framework import routers, serializers, viewsets

                class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
                    class Meta:
                        model = User
                        fields = ['url', 'username', 'email', 'is_staff']

                class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
                    queryset = User.objects.all()
                    serializer_class = UserSerializer

                router = routers.DefaultRouter()
                router.register(r'users', UserViewSet)

                urlpatterns = [
                    path('', include(router.urls)),
                    path('api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework'))

Wagtail CMS

Wagtail is a popular CMS built on Django.

Wagtail CMS screenshot

✨ Now with AI!
Wagtail AI adds AI-based helpers to form fields.
Wagtail Vector Index adds vector search to Wagtail.

Django + AI

Check out Paolo's talk on Django and Vector Search:

Posette talk on Django and Vector Search

Full-stack Django

Vue frontend plus Django-REST + Wagtail backend:

Screenshot of LCARS on Wagtail frontend


Django apps

Bit (the raccoon) in front of a computer and Python logo

Running Django app locally

Using the built-in Django server:

                python3 -m src/ runserver 8000

⚠️ But the dev server is not recommended for production use.

Running Django with gunicorn

Gunicorn is a production-level server that can run multiple worker processes.

Add gunicorn to requirements.txt:


Use gunicorn to run Django app with multiple workers:

                python3 -m gunicorn project.wsgi --workers 4 --bind

Configuring gunicorn

Gunicorn can be configured with a file:

                import multiprocessing

                max_requests = 1000
                max_requests_jitter = 50
                log_file = "-"
                bind = ""
                workers = (multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2) + 1
                threads = workers
                timeout = 600

The run command can be simplified to:

                python3 -m gunicorn project.wsgi

Hosting Django

Bit (the raccoon) on a cloud with the Azure logo

Azure app hosting options

  • How much control do you want?
  • How much do you enjoy administering systems?
  • Do you need it to scale up/out?
Azure Container Apps Azure Functions
Azure Kubernetes Service Container Management Azure App Service Serverless
Environment Containers PaaS
Cloud Azure

For Django, App Service is easiest way to get started.

Azure relational database options


  • How much database storage do you need?
  • How many database read/writes do you expect?
  • Availability: Backup policy? Multiple replicas?
  • Data sovereignty: where can your data be stored?
Option Description
Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server Microsoft's most recent PostgreSQL offering. Fully managed service with vertical scaling.
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Distributed database using PostgreSQL and the Citus extension. Can scale horizontally.
Azure SQL Database Microsoft's managed service for SQL Server. Can be used in Django via microsoft/mssql-django

Securely connecting App Service to PostgreSQL

⭐️ In production, use passwordless authentication for the database:

  1. Disable password authentication in PostgreSQL
  2. Set Microsoft Entra user as PostgreSQL admin
  3. Create a service principal for the App Service app and grant it access to the database
  4. Fetch a token as the app and use for the PostgreSQL connection password
  5. Re-fetch the token periodically to avoid expiration


⚠️ If you must use a password, store in Azure KeyVault.

Storing the secret key

Django requires a secret key for security, defined in

                SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY")

For production, store this in a secure location, such as Azure Key Vault. 🔑

To fetch the secret value, use a key vault reference in environment variables:

                SECRET_KEY: '@Microsoft.KeyVault(VaultName=${keyVaultName};SecretName=djangoSecretKey)'

(Also possible in Container App settings)

Serving static files

A few options for efficiently serving static files in production:

  1. Use Whitenoise to serve static files directly from Django, with compression and cache headers.

    As shown in

  2. Use Django Storages to serve static files from cloud storage (like Azure Blob Storage).

    As shown in tonybaloney/django-on-azure.

Both options could optionally be used with a CDN (Azure Front Door) in front.

Azure architure for Django + PostgreSQL

One possible architecture:
Django app architecture diagram: App Service, App Service Plan, PostGreSQL server, Log Analytics workspace

Exercise: Deploy Django + PG

Using this repo:

  1. Open in GitHub Codespaces or VS Code with Dev Containers extension
  2. Sign up for a free Azure account
  3. Follow the Deploying instructions in the README
  4. If it deploys successfully, visit the endpoint URL to confirm it's working.
  5. Run azd down to un-deploy the app (so that you don't waste cloud resources unnecessarily).

Additional security considerations


Restrict network access:

Make it harder to access admin:

  • Customize the admin URL
                            ADMIN_URL = os.environ.get("ADMIN_URL")
  • Use adjango-admin-honeypot to detect unauthorized access

Django on Azure templates

Also check out the Django tutorial.

More Azure resources

Raccoons with laptops

Any questions?

A bunch of raccoon students with computers