Web Apps

Meet Pamela

Photo of Pamela smiling with an Olaf statue

Python Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

Formerly: UC Berkeley, Coursera, Khan Academy, Google

Find Pamela online at:

Twitter @pamelafox

Meet Renee

Photo of Renee smiling

Python Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

Executive Director of Girls Programming Network, CEO/Founder of ConnectEd Code

Find Renee online at:

Twitter @noble_renee

Today's topics

Bit (the raccoon) lecturing
  • How the web works
  • Web framework: Flask
    • 👩🏾‍💻 Exercise #1: Flask app
    • 👩🏼‍💻 Exercise #2: Template inheritance
  • Web framework: Quart
  • Hosting web apps
    • 👩🏻‍💻 Exercise #3: Deploy an app

How the web works

Bit (the raccoon) in front of monitors with browsers and analytics

Clients and servers

Diagram of browser sending HTTP request to server and receiving HTTP response

What is a request?

Clients send requests to a route on the server...


  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that make up a web page
  • Files to download
  • Raw data or text


  • Their submission to a form
  • Files to upload
  • Raw data or text

HTTP Requests

A client sends an HTTP request:

                GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

The server sends back an HTTP response:

                HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
                Content-Length: 208
                <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <title>Example Domain</title>
                    <h1>Example Domain</h1>
                    <p>This domain is to be used for illustrative examples in documents.</p>

Responses - HTTP Status Codes

The most commonly used codes:

Code Meaning
200 OK
301 Moved Permanently
404 Not Found
500 Server Error

See more codes at or Wikipedia: List of HTTP status codes.

What's in Webpages?

Webpages bring together three kinds of files/languages:

  • HTML: The content structure of the page
  • CSS: Defines style rules that relate to the HTML
  • JavaScript: Code that makes the content interactive

HTML Examples

HTML contains the content and structure of your webpage in tags like these:


                    <h1>Web Development - Chapter 1</h1>

                    <p>Today I am learning about webp development.</p>

                        <li>Topic 1 - What is the Web</li>
                        <li>Topic 2 - Web Dev Frameworks</li>
                        <li>Topic 3 -  Deploying to Azure</li>


HTML captures content, puts it in semantic chunks, and creates hierarchy.

There are a lot of tags to use to:

  • Add content like headings, paragraphs, images, links, lists, and tables
  • Group parts together with divs, sections, and articles
  • Add metadata, eg: links to fonts and styles

CSS Example

CSS uses rules to set target elements to style.

Targets can be set with:
  • The type of element. i.e. All H2 elements
  • The structure of elements. i.e. All links inside a heading
  • Setting specific groups or items with classes and IDs

We could style headings and paragraphs like this:

                    h1 {
                        font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
                        color: rgb(240, 50, 132);

                    p {
                        background-color: yellow;

More CSS

CSS can do a lot of things!

  • Style colours, fonts, sizes
  • Set margins, padding, and sizing
  • Control layout, eg: how an element follows on from the last
  • Basic dynamics, eg: hover


Screenshot of a chat request to write a haiku

JavaScript is code that dynamically accesses and updates the page content to make it more interactive.

It can do these things and many more:

  • Run scripts on button clicks or typing
  • Make requests and process responses
  • Manage cookies

What does a server do?

Screenshot of Khan Academy webpage for logged in user with their name and classes

The most basic server just serves up HTML and multimedia files from a file system.

Servers are also used for features that require persistent data or more security than allowed in the client:

  • User authentication
  • Database fetches/updates
  • Caching

Choosing a tech stack

For the frontend:

  • JavaScript or TypeScript
  • Frameworks: React, Vue, Svelte, Lit, Web Components, HTMX

For the backend:

  • Python
  • Node.js
  • Java
  • C#
  • Go
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Rust

Server-side Python

Bit (the raccoon) in front of a computer and Python logo

Simple HTTP server

The http module in the Python standard library can run a basic server.

⚠️ It is not recommended for production.

It's handy for learning and local development, however...

Example: Simple file server

A file server serves up files and folders according to their path in the file system. Also known as a static server.

Run a file server from any folder:

                python3 -m http.server 8080

Example: Simple dynamic server

👩🏼‍💻 Repo:

The server code is in Uses the http module to dynamically generate responses.

Run the server:


What is a web framework?

Don't reinvent the wheel!

People make websites all the time, so we have tools that make it simpler.

Web frameworks have features like:
  • Managing routing URLs to functions
  • Enabling you to run a server
  • Supporting rendering templates for your webpages

Different frameworks offer different features and levels of complexity.

Python web frameworks

Graph of Python web framework popularity
Source: JetBrains Developers Survey 2023

Python has a few modern web frameworks that are popular:

  • Flask / Quart: Lightweight, flexible
  • FastAPI: Lightweight, popular for API-first development
  • Django: Opinionated, includes database functionality

Flask framework

Flask, an external package, is a lightweight framework for server requests and responses.

Apps written in Flask:

  • Khan Academy (originally)
  • Reddit
  • Netflix

Example: Simple Flask website

👩🏼‍💻 Repo:

Most server code is in Uses Flask to generate responses for each route.

Run the server:

                python3 -m flask run --port 50505 --debug


Handle GET requests to "/about" route:

                def index():
                    return 'About Us'

Handle query parameters:

                def hello():
                    query = request.args.get("query")
                    return f"Searching for: {query}!"

Handle path parameters:

                def hello(name):
                    return f"Book with ID {id}!"


Handle POST requests:

                def submit():
                    return "Thanks for submitting!"

Handle form data:

                def submit():
                    name = request.form.get("name")
                    return f"Thanks for submitting, {name}!"

Handle JSON data:

                def submit():
                    data = request.get_json()
                    name = data.get("name")
                    return f"Thanks for submitting, {name}!"

Template basics

Flask uses Jinja2 templates to render HTML.


                <h1>{{ title }}</h1>


                {% if user %}
                    <p>{{ }}</p>
                {% else %}
                    <p>Logged out</p>
                {% endif %}


                {% for item in items %}
                    <li>{{ item }}</li>
                {% endfor %}

Exercise prerequisites

Online development: Github account

Local development (option 2):

Local development:

Exercise: Flask App

Using this repo:

  1. Get the app running!
  2. Add a new route for "/about" that uses a new "about.html" template.
  3. Check the new route works.
  4. Add a "location" query parameter for the new route and display the value on the page.
  1. Follow the readme steps to get the app running.
  2. Add a new route for "/about" that uses a new "about.html" template.
  3. Check the new route works.
  4. Bonus: Accept a "location" query parameter for the new route and display the value on the page.

🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ Let us know if you need any help! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏿‍♀️

Template inheritance

Jinja2 supports template inheritance.

Base template:

                    <title>{{ title }}</title>
                    {% block content %}{% endblock %}

Child template:

                {% extends "base.html" %}
                {% block content %}
                    <h1>About Us</h1>
                {% endblock %}

Exercise: Template Inheritance

Using this repo:
or your own app from the previous exercise.

  1. Create a base template based on what's common across the other pages.
  2. Refactor the other templates to extend the base template.
  3. Change the 404 handler to render a template that extends the base template.

🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ Let us know if you need any help! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏿‍♀️

Flask in VS Code

Debugging Flask

Use a launch configuration to run the Flask app in debug mode.

Quart & Async

Bit (the raccoon) in front of a computer and Python logo


Quart is the asynchronous version of Flask.

                async def index():
                    return await render_template("index.html")

Quart is useful when apps have slow I/O or network calls:

                async def chat():
                    return await
                        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Write a haiku"}]

The importance of async

We need async to build modern web apps that support concurrency.

A web app without async:

Diagram of a synchronous web app

A web app with async can handle new requests while waiting for an I/O op:

Diagram of an asynchronous web app

Any app with slow network requests, DB queries, or file reads can benefit.

See also: FastAPI tutorial on async

Porting Flask to Quart

Install Quart:

                pip install quart

Change the app construction:

                from quart import Quart

                app = Quart(__name__)

Change routes to async:

                async def index():

Change API/DB calls to async.

Quart examples

Repo Description
azure-search-openai-demo RAG chat app using OpenAI
openai-chat-app-quickstart Simple chat app using OpenAI
openai-chat-app-entra-auth-local Simple chat app using OpenAI and user auth with Quart-Session

Hosting web apps

Bit (the raccoon) on a cloud with the Azure logo

Hosting options

When your website is hosted on a server, it means other users on the Internet can access it.

Many possible hosts:

  • A rented computer in a data center
  • A virtual machine
  • A PaaS (platform as a service)


  • How much control do you want?
  • How much do you enjoy administering systems?
  • Do you need it to scale up/out?

Azure hosting options

Azure Container Apps Azure Functions
Azure Kubernetes Service Container Management Azure App Service Serverless
Environment Containers PaaS
Cloud Azure

For Flask, App Service is easiest way to get started.

But wait, there's more!

Databases PostGreSQL, MySQL, CosmosDB, ...
Storage Blob Storage, Files, Archive Storage, ...
Networking DNS Zone, Virtual Network, VPN Gateway, ...
Caching CDN, Front Door, ...
Security Key Vault, Security Center, ...
Machine Learning Translator, Bot Service, Computer Vision, ...
...and more!

Hosting the Flask app on Azure

Flask app architecture diagram: App Service, App Service Plan, Log Analytics workspace

Using the Azure Dev CLI:

                azd up

Exercise: Deploying an app

  1. Sign up for a free Azure account
  2. Either open one of the previous projects in Codespaces or follow these installation steps for the Azure Developer CLI.
  3. Run azd up. If prompted, login to your Azure account.
  4. If it deploys successfully, share the endpoint URL with your classmates. If not, let us know what error you get. 🪲
  5. Once you've verified the app is working, run azd down to un-deploy the app (so that you don't waste cloud resources unnecessarily).

More Azure resources

Raccoons with laptops

Any questions?

A bunch of raccoon students with computers