Python Web Apps:

Meet Pamela

Photo of Pamela smiling with an Olaf statue

Python Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

Formerly: UC Berkeley, Coursera, Khan Academy, Google

Find Pamela online at:

Twitter @pamelafox

Today's topics

Bit (the raccoon) lecturing
  • Unittest framework
  • Pytest framework
  • Coverage
  • Advanced Pytest features
  • Integration tests for web apps
  • End-to-end tests with Playwright
  • Testing workflow

Environment setup

To follow along with the live coding, your options are:

  1. Online dev with Codespaces:
  2. Local development with VS Code:
  3. Local development with any editor:
Repos we'll use:

Testing pyramid

Software testing pyramid


Software testing pyramid, with unit tests highlighted

Example function for testing

Inside a file:

                def sum_scores(scores):
                    """ Calculates total score based on list of scores.
                    total = 0
                    for score in scores:
                        total += score
                    return total


The unittest module can be used to write large quantities of tests in files outside of the tested code.

                    import unittest

                    from summer import sum_scores

                    class TestSumScores(unittest.TestCase):

                        def test_sum_empty(self):
                            self.assertEqual(sum_scores([]), 0)

                        def test_sum_numbers(self):
                            self.assertEqual(sum_scores([8, 9, 7]), 24)

Tests are methods inside a class that use a bunch of special assert* methods.

Running unittest tests

Run a single file:

                python -m unittest

Run all discoverable tests:

                python -m unittest

For more options, read the docs.


Software testing pyramid, with unit tests highlighted


The pytest package is a popular third-party alternative for writing tests.

                from summer import sum_scores

                def test_sum_empty():
                    assert sum_scores([]) == 0

                def test_sum_numbers():
                    assert sum_scores([8, 9, 7]) == 24

Tests are simple functions that use Python's assert statement.

Running pytest tests

Install the package:

                pip3 install pytest

Run a single file:

                python -m pytest

Run all discoverable tests:

                python -m pytest

Configuring pytest

Pytest can be configured in pyproject.toml:

                addopts = "-ra"
                pythonpath = ['.']
🔗 See all options

Exercise #1: Test functions

Starting from this repo:

  1. Open the project in GitHub Codespaces.
  2. Inside tests/, add tests for the src/ functions.
  3. Run the tests using pytest and make sure they pass.


Test coverage

Test coverage measures the percentage of code that is covered by the tests in a test suite.

Two ways of measuring coverage:

  • Line coverage: Whether a line of code was executed
  • Branch coverage: Whether a possible code path was followed (i.e. in if conditions) is the most popular tool for measuring coverage in Python programs.

Example coverage report for a Python web app:

                tests/ .................                                   [ 89%]
                tests/ ..                                            [100%]

                ---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.9.13-final-0 -----------
                Name                         Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
                src/                 17      0   100%
                src/                  4      0   100%
                src/                   20      0   100%
                src/                   74      0   100%
                src/             14      0   100%
                tests/               35      0   100%
                tests/           110      0   100%
                tests/      16      0   100%
                TOTAL                          290      0   100%


Install the package:

                pip3 install coverage

Run with unittest:

                coverage run -m unittest

Run with pytest:

                coverage run -m pytest

You can also run with branch coverage.

View coverage report

For a command-line report:

                coverage report

For an HTML report:

                coverage html

Other reporter types are also available.

Using coverage with pytest

The pytest-cov plugin makes it even easier to run coverage with pytest.

Install the package:

                pip3 install pytest-cov

Run with pytest:

                pytest --cov=myproj tests/

See pytest-cov docs for more options.

Exercise: Test coverage

Using the previous repo:

  1. In pyproject.toml, add the following to addopts:
    --cov src --cov-report term-missing
  2. Run pytest and check the coverage report.
  3. Move extras/ to the src/ directory.
  4. Add tests for the functions in
  5. Keep adding tests until you get to 100% coverage.

Advanced pytest

Mocks & monkeypatches

If code uses functionality that's hard to replicate in test environments, you can monkeypatch that functionality.

Consider this function:

                def input_number(message):
                    user_input = int(input(message))
                    return user_input

We can monkeypatch input() to mock it:

                def fake_input(msg):
                    return '5'

                def test_input_int(monkeypatch):
                    monkeypatch.setattr('builtins.input', fake_input)
                    assert input_number('Enter num') == 5

Pytest fixtures

Pytest fixtures are functions that run before each test. Fixtures are helpful for repeated functionality.

Example fixture:

                import pytest

                def mock_input(monkeypatch):
                    def fake_input(msg):
                        return '5'
                    monkeypatch.setattr('builtins.input', fake_input)

                def test_input_number(mock_input):
                    assert input_number('Enter num') == 5

Learn more pytest

Pytest book cover

Testing web apps

Software testing pyramid, with integration tests highlighted

Test clients

Most web app frameworks provide some sort of testing client object.

  • Flask: app.test_client()
  • FastAPI: fastapi.testclient.TestClient(app)
  • Django: django.test.Client()

Example Flask tests:

                from flaskapp import app

                def test_homepage():
                    response = app.test_client().get("/")
                    assert response.status_code == 200
                    assert b"I am a human" in

FastAPI: Example app

Using this repo:

                import random
                import fastapi
                from .data import names

                app = fastapi.FastAPI()

                async def generate_name(starts_with: str = None):
                    name_choices = ["Hassan", "Maria", "Sofia", "Yusuf", "Aisha", "Fatima", "Ahmed"]
                    if starts_with:
                        name_choices = [name for name in names if name.lower().startswith(
                    random_name = random.choice(name_choices)
                    return {"name": random_name}

FastAPI: Example tests

For access to the TestClient, install the httpx module:

                pip install httpx

Write tests for each API route:

                from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

                from .main import app

                client = TestClient(app)

                def test_generate_name_params():
                    response = client.get("/generate_name?starts_with=n")
                    assert response.status_code == 200
                    assert response.json()["name"] == "Nancy"

📖 FastAPI User Guide: Testing

Exercise: FastAPI tests

Using this repo:

  • Open repo in Codespaces or locally.
  • Run current tests:
                            python -m pytest
  • Add a new route in to generate random pet names.
  • Add tests to for the new route.
  • Run python -m pytest to run all tests, ensure 100% coverage.

E2E testing

Software testing pyramid, with e2e tests highlighted

End-to-end (E2E) testing

E2E tests are the most realistic tests, since they test the entire program from the user's perspective.

For a web app, an E2E test actually opens up the web app in a browser, interacts with the webpage, and checks the results.

Most popular E2E libraries:

  • selenium: Can be used for a wide variety of browsers
  • playwright: More limited browser-wise, but faster/less flaky 😊

Getting started with Playwright

Using this repo:

Install playwright, pytest plugin, and browsers:

                pip3 install playwright pytest-playwright
                playwright install chromium --with-deps

Write a basic test:

                import pytest
                from playwright.sync_api import Page, expect

                def test_home(page: Page, live_server):
                    expect(page).to_have_title("ReleCloud - Expand your horizons")

Setting up a live_server fixture

                from multiprocessing import Process

                import pytest
                import uvicorn

                from fastapi_app import seed_data
                from import app

                def run_server():

                def live_server():
                    proc = Process(target=run_server, daemon=True)

Writing tests

Use the codegen tool to generate Playwright calls with locators:

                playwright codegen https://localhost:8000

Then copy the generated test into your test file and add assertions.

Learn more in the Playwright Python docs.

Running Playwright tests

Run the tests:

                python3 -m pytest

Run the tests in headed mode:

                python3 -m pytest --headed

⚠️ This won't work in GitHub Codespaces.

Run the tests with tracing on:

                python3 -m pytest --tracing=on

View traces locally or with Playwright trace viewer.

For more options, see the pytest playwright plugin reference.

Accessibility testing

Use the axe library to run accessibility tests, via axe-playwright-python or pytest-axe-playwright-snapshot.

                def test_a11y(app, live_server, page: Page):
                    page.goto(url_for("home_page", _external=True))
                    results = Axe().run(page)
                    assert results.violations_count == 0, results.generate_report()

Exercise: Playwright tests

Using this repo:

  • Open repo in Codespaces.
  • Install the testing dependencies:
                                python3 -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
                                python3 -m playwright install chromium --with-deps
  • Run the tests:
                                python3 -m pytest
  • Add a new test that checks the footer contains 2023.
  • Re-run the tests and confirm the new test passes.

Testing workflow

When to test?

  • While developing new changes
  • pre-commit: Before committing code to a repository.
  • Before merging code into the main branch.
  • Before deploying code to production.


pre-commit is a third-party package for running pre-commit hooks.

Running all tests before a commit can take a long time, however!

Continuous integration (CI)

Whenever code is pushed to a repo, a CI server can run a suite of actions which can result in success or failure.

Popular CI options: Jenkins, TravisCI, GitHub actions

GitHub actions

An example GitHub actions workflow with pytest:

                name: Python checks
                on: [push, pull_request]

                    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
                    - name: Set up Python 3
                        uses: actions/setup-python@v3
                        python-version: 3.11
                    - name: Install dependencies
                        run: |
                        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
                        pip install pytest
                    - name: Run unit tests
                        run: |

See it in action.

Any questions?

A bunch of raccoon students with computers